
Join Holly "under the sea" and practice counting skills by reading "Hooray for Fish!" by Lucy Cousins.

Holly has been missing circle time with families at our Shared Beginnings Program, but now you can join her in the comfort of your home.  Join us for Storytime with Holly every Tuesday and Thursday morning on LUSO's Youtube channel.

1st Story time with Holly video:

Count along with the book "1 Big Salad: A Delicious Counting Book" to create a delicious, colourful salad and food art.  

Ever wonder what is Y.O.L.O?

Well wonder no more. The young people in this innovative LUSO program explain it all in a Youtube video.


Storytime with Holly based on the book "The Tiny Seed" by Eric Carle. This book is all about thriving in the face of many obstacles. Don't forget to subscribe for a story every Tuesday and Thursday: 

As part of our Annual General Meeting, LUSO produces a video of activities for the past year. Special thanks to everyone involved in the making of the video for 2017-2018.


Storytime with Holly-  "The Colour Monster: a story about emotions" by Anna Llenas.







See highlights from our 2016-2017 fiscal year.

Become A Donor

Help bring a smile to families in North East London !!

LUSO would not exist without the support of the major funders below. We are thankful for their support and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve our mission. 

United Way -  Elgin Middlesex I R C C